Friday, May 3, 2024

A collector's shade garden, in Vancouver BC

The Ketchum garden was another one of last June's Study Weekend stops that everyone was talking about ("have you been to the...?" "what did you think of the...?"). Because I'd heard the buzz I was prepared for the crush of visitors. The garden was packed, but somehow I managed to not get people in most of my photos.

The front garden included water and a bridge to the front door...

From our event booklet: "My collector's shade garden is nestled in front of a conifer forest which offers and aura of serenity. The entrance garden features a large natural pond, which adds reflective light, movement, and sound...This garden reflects the juxtaposition of plants, shrubs, and trees with texture, size, shape, and colours. My favorite plants are Arisaemas, Podophyllums, Calycanthus, Magnolia 'Woodsman', Moon maple, and 'Koto-no-ito' maple."

It's not every house that you access via a bridge...

It was all very green and lush.

Such an unusual and substantial garden wall.

And then I looked up...

And back down...

Love the varied trough styles.

And the foliage, such great foliage in this garden! Impatiens omeiana

Podophyllum for the win! I do not for the life of me know how I managed a photo with no shoes in it. I remember standing here in this pathway waiting, waiting, waiting to be able to take a shot and move a few feet. There were so many people!

Podophyllum difforme 'Starfish Strain'

Podophyllum 'Spotty Dotty'

And another Podophyllum difforme 'Starfish Strain' 

Rhododendron williamsianum

More orchid foliage (Cypripedium formosanum) this may have been THE plant of the weekend!

A great rhododendron with tomentum covered new foliage.

This charming small greenhouse was along the side of the house as you made your way back out front.

Rabbit's foot fern living up to it's (common) name.

Another trough planting.

And just like that I'm back at the front of the house, the entrance that doesn't involve a bridge over water...

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All material © 2009-2024 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Podophyllum "Starfish strain" looks very cool!

    I wonder how robust it is in comparison to Spotty Dotty?

    I spy the ubiquitous Rhododendron williamsianum.

    I have managed to find a nursery that sells them in the UK and has them in stock, but the minimum order is 3. Hmmm, I guess that I could buy them, give one to my Mum and keep two for myself?

    1. Yes! Definitely order them... you might end up keeping all three for yourself...

  2. Utter lovely. I'm very envious of the Podophyllums, which wouldn't last a nanosecond in my climate. The greenhouse evoked a sigh as well.

    1. I see your podophyllum lust and raise you my aeonium lust.

  3. Another gorgeous garden. How cool to have your own 'moat' to cross. So many worthy gardens on this study weekend. Love some of the Podophyllum foliage especially the last starfish strain one.

    1. I've been lusting after that starfish strain for years now. The price (if you can find it) refuses to come down to mere human levels however.

  4. AnonymousMay 04, 2024

    This was my favorite garden that weekend. I long to have a shade garden like that. Thank you for taking me back to it.

  5. Podophyllum difforme 'Starfish Strain' is getting added to my wish list tout de suite

    1. Let me know if you find it! (where and how much)

  6. AnonymousMay 04, 2024

    Other than the odd inconspicuous bloom in a photo or two, but this garden is Foliage Heaven!

  7. This is a paradise, how lovely - the Impatiens omeiana and Podophyllum 'Starfish Strain' really stand out.


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