Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wednesday Vignette, Electric Lettuce

I know I've shared this shot on Instagram, but I don't think I ever thought to share it here. The best part is, the same day that I stopped to take a photo, a friend posted a similar one on my Facebook page with the perfect caption: "Well that’s a good name for it!", I should say his photo was a close up of the agave with the words Electric Lettuce right over the the top...

Yes Electric Lettuce is a local dispensary, all your weed needs taken care of under one roof.

And now that it's been pointed out Agave ovatifolia does have a certain lettuce-like shape to it.

Wouldn't you agree?

Weather Diary, Dec 8: Hi 51, Low 38/ Precip .32 

Wednesday Vignettes are hosted by Anna at Flutter & Hum. All material © 2009-2020 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. Quirky name for a (ahem) weed shop.

    1. Duh, after looking at the photo again realized the connection to the name.

  2. I think they should clean their lettuce! Although, based on personal experience, I admit that clearing dead leaves out of an Agave ovatifolia requires safety precautions.

    1. Not a fan of leaf blowers, but this is one instance where one would be handy.

    2. It's an ongoing job up here in the PNW in the fall.

  3. Hmmm, I hadn't thought of it before, but there is a resemblance. Good observation!

  4. Haha - electric and spiny, all at once. Sure, as all these silly variety names go, I think that one would hold up pretty well. LOL!


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