Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A little passion 💘 for Valentines Day...

Happy Valentines Day! Oh I know, it's kind of a silly holiday...but heck, any excuse to be kind and loving to our fellow humans is a good thing, right? Especially in our current political climate. So to get in the spirit of the day I thought I'd share a few examples of plant passion...

Those who wrap their plants to protect them against the cold? They're passionate.

Heck it looks like this person is passionate about a passion flower vine!

Never mind that their cover isn't really doing much, I'm sure it looked better before our insane east winds blew for days and days. And who knows, maybe they saved a few branches?

Yes, it's a bed (ya know, passion is the theme), this is our guest bed. When I last shared images of the basement gardening situation a few of you commented that the Agaves on the bed weren't exactly "welcoming"....now they've multiplied!

Here are the newbies, on the dining table, before they were sent to bed.

How did I come to have so many Agave pups? My friends who own Garden Fever, Lori and Richard, removed the pups around their Agaves at their Arizona homestead. Knowing I'm rather passionate about Agaves they brought them back to Portland and shared them with me. Oh ya! I'm going to be the Portland Agave cupid, matching up lonely gardners with Agaves! I've got Agave weberi pups...

Agave franzosinii pups...

And lot's...

And lots...

Of Agave salmiana ferox pups. How exciting!

Finally, it seems Sunset magazine has uncovered my real name, and now you all know just how passionate I am...Happy Valentines Day!

Weather Diary, February 13: Hi 53, Low 29/ Precip 0

All material © 2009-2017 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.


  1. I just love those Agave pups! Great photos . Hope you had a happy and loving day :)

    1. Thank you Daisy Debs, I appreciate your stopping by!

  2. This made me laugh. Most people might put rose petals on the bed for Valentines Day. I'm not sure what message is conveyed by a bed covered in agaves. "Lover Bohl," too funny!

    I have to admit those Agave weberi pups look tempting, but I know I wouldn't be a good parent to one. I'll keep enjoying them in photos and other people's gardens.

    1. But you have that greenhouse...

    2. And it feels cramped even without a giant (eventually) agave with spear-tipped leaves, thank you.

  3. I'm sure your fellow Pacific Northwester's will appreciate receiving healthy agave pups to fill the vacancies left after your difficult winter. Have a happy Valentine's Day, Lover Bohl!

    1. Sadly these are borderline hardy here, but they still warm the heart! Hope you had a good V-Day!

  4. I am going to be laughing all week at least at that mailing label. To say nothing of a bed full of Agave pups.! My guest bed is a filing cabinet cum extra closet. Always covered with something, just not plants.

    1. Re: the mailing label, I understand how a sloppy "r" could look like a "v"but that last "e" as an "r" has me scratching my head...

  5. Maybe they really meant Agave Lover Bohl? No matter, I think they got your name right. That should be framed and hung proudly, Lover! I just couldn't resist!!!

    1. It was on the fridge for awhile, Andrew wouldn't let me just toss it.

  6. That's certainly one way to keep from having overnight guests. How thoughtful of Lori and Richard to bring you agave pups. Happy Valentine's Day, Lover.

    1. "You'll have to sleep with the Agaves" isn't a friendly offer?

  7. You are truly the Johnny Appleseed of Agaves, or..."an Agave in every garden"...and if any Hindus come to call, they will be right at home on your version of a bed of nails.

  8. Wow, what a bounty of agaves. You'll make a lot of people happy.

    Lover Bohl, is that for real?

  9. Wow, that's a lot of bare-root Agave pups! How long can they stay that way, without soil? Still chuckling at the address label.

    1. Quite awhile actually. I yanked the bigger Agaves on the bed from the driveway stock tank in early December and our weather has been such that I haven't managed to put them back out, and they're doing fine!

  10. That mailing label is hilarious! Although at least it's a mistake in a positive manner. Being named Tiffany, one time I had to give my name over the phone - they (english not being their first language) misheard the T as a P, and "ff" as "ss" - so I wound up Pissany in print. Not nearly as lovely or flattering.


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