Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My favorite plant in the garden this week? It’s a mystery...

No, not a mystery as to which plant is my favorite, that’s easy. With its bright variegation this yucca has been positively glowing on all the grey days we've had lately…

No the question is how it got here, and what it is…anyone have a guess? (for the second half at least)

This little guy started growing early last summer, thankfully yucca seedlings look like yuccas right away so I didn’t pull it thinking it was a weed, but beyond that I was stumped. I didn’t plant it; the only thing that’s been planted here was a Verbascum bombyciferum 'Arctic Summer' which died an unfortunate hot August death.

It’s a mystery…I just wish I knew what it was so I could buy more!


  1. What a beautiful mystery! I'm guessing that the seed came in on one of the plants you planted there. Or maybe the yucca fairy visited your garden and left this as a surprise. Have any of your yuccas seeded? Could this be a hybrid of something in your garden? Did you ever move a yucca gloriosa variegata around a little and miss a piece of root that has sported this plant? It almost looks like bright star but not quite. Did you place pots here as a holding area? Fun!

    1. I'm voting for the yucca fairy!

      No seeds that I'm aware of. I guess the yucca moth doesn't get around much up in Portland? I think you and the others are on to something with the bit of root idea though. I do sometimes reuse soil to fill in holes when I dig something out...

  2. Variegated yuccas do just glow in the garden. I have a plain green yucca growing in a crappy spot behind my shed that is not even part of any garden. The only plain green yucca in my garden was there when I bought the house and is on the other side of my property. I suspect that when all the excavation for my garage and driveway were going on that somehow a piece of the root got dug up and dumped there. Maybe there was a piece of root in the pot of your Verbascum.

    1. I have so many yuccas in my garden that if they were all variegated it would be a bit loud. I do love the plain Jane ones for their calm. Plus the ones that will someday grow a trunk are extra special!

  3. I can answer the meaning of life far easier than "what's my favorite plant?" I guess you'll have to just keep buying everything you like, carve out more lawn, so you can once and for all decide your favorite 30, or so.

    1. Agreed! Which is why I'm only taking it week by week. It's easy to have a favorite when you know you get to pick a new one next week!

  4. Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard'?

    1. I thought 'Color Guard' had a prominent yellow strip down the middle of the leaf?

    2. I thought 'Color Guard' too, but you are right. Yellow in the middle.

  5. It doesn't seem to have any filaments, so possibly a Yucca recurvifolia cultivar? It reminds me strongly of my Yucca recurvifolia 'Margaritaville' except the lighter parts are much more yellow.

    1. Uhm...I do have a 'Margaritaville' which I planted in a container...and I kind of recall having to break off a piece of root to get it out of the container I bought it in. What if...

  6. Wow! Look at those stripes! I can see why it's your favorite. Yucca flowers do produce seeds, so it may be a hybrid from one of your other Yuccas. If there's a variegated Yucca in the neighborhood that produced flowers, maybe you got your very own cross. That means you can name it whatever you want!

    1. I don't recall ever seeing any seeds form on my yuccas. Have yo had this happen in your garden Alison? I do love the idea of having my own yucca!

  7. Could be a Yucca filamentosa, one of its variegated form although the filaments aren't there yet, it could get more obvious later on, or not...

    Give it another year or so and it'll be easier to give it a definite ID. And who knows, it could turn out to be a new variety altogether, Yucca 'Danger Garden' :)

  8. I love a mystery (wasn't that the name of an old radio show?) and it's a good thing, because Mom Nature has more puzzlers that the Car Talk guys. She pulled a good one on you this time.

    1. Uhm...if it wasn't the name of a radio show it should have been. Or maybe it could be the name of your next book?

  9. Beautiful. Who needs a name? At least you have the plant!

  10. I love yuccas too. I like to use them in more traditional garden designs, old school?, here in DC. Its funny though, they are one of those "love it or hate it" plants so it depends on the clients.... 'Color Guard' is nice for that bit of red it gets in the winter. Love your garden!

    1. Agreed Chris, yuccas do inspire strong feelings one way or the other. Rarely in the middle. (and thank you!)

  11. These surprises are so much better than the other kind (the "why is that plant dying?" kind)!

  12. I I love you mystery yucca!!! It reminded me of margaritavile a little but which I'm lusting after and plan on ordering from cistus


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