My most anticipated stop on the
Garden Bloggers Fling was also our very last,
Dragonfly Farms and Nursery. I first learned of Dragonfly from a danger garden reader urging me to go. Shortly after that I got an email from Heidi, the owner, as she had discovered my blog and wanted to let me know she had a couple of plants I was searching for. That was summer of 2010…a year later and I was finally there!

On arrival we were told the official Proven Winners sponsored event was still being set up so we should look around the nursery and then gather on the lawn for tasty treats and beverages a bit later…not a problem as that was where I was headed anyway!

There is a lot of space at Dragonfly and Heidi manages to make it all look fabulous!

Euphorbia lathyris!

I’ve searched for you! Maybe finally my search has ended…

Cynara baetica ssp. Maroccana

I’m obsessed with these plough discs used as succulent planters.

And hunting for a few of my own.

As I wandered the nursery tables I started to wonder where Heidi was. I was so excited to meet her! I asked the first official looking person I saw what Heidi looked like, and got a good description. Shortly after that I heard her…and (I’m so flattered) I guess she was looking for me too. But I disappointed her.

You see…I am not dangerous enough looking. I wish I could remember exactly how she greeted me but I vowed then and there to wear more black and work a studded collar or such into my wardrobe. One has to keep up dangerous appearances you know!

Hugs and greetings taken care of there were more plants to see...

This rusted angular planter is very cool!

And here is where my heart skipped a beat! I know what you’re thinking…but seriously, do you know what this is!? Sonchus canariensis…oh ya!

Sure it’s a bit crispy but there was no doubt this baby was coming home with me!!!

Banksia! (none of these came home with me, unfortunately)

Dragonfly seems to be the center of the Schefflera universe! Here is S. taiwaniana...

Schefflera hoi

Schefflera gracilis

And an unmarked Schefflera found tucked away in the garden…

Love this foliage and I’m wondering why I didn’t buy one…(and what it is?)

More cool metal…

Succulent swag! For us from Heidi…

I wish I knew what this one is…fairly sure it’s an Aralia but not sure which.

And the same for this one…

This beauty I did get the name of! It’s a
Boccinia fructescens….pretty gorgeous right!?

And here’s Heidi talking to all of us Garden Bloggers, that’s Lorene (our organizer extraordinaire) on the right.

And more plough discs!

So that Tree Sonchus I was so excited about buying? Here it is now here in my garden, all cleaned up, a little cut back, and rewarding me with lots of new foliage.

I love this plant!

I also did come away from Dragonfly with the Euphorbia lathyris I had been searching for. I asked Heidi if she had any for sale and she did not…so what did she do? She went and dug up a few from her garden! Here they are now… (thank you Heidi!)

I have one final moment from the GB Fling to share with you but first I want to make sure I give you all the info on where this fabulous nursery is located so you can visit! I will definitely be back next summer!
Dragonfly Farms Nursery
Hours: Thursday-Saturday 9-5 and 9-4 Sundays
34881 Hansville Road NE
Kingston WA. 98346
So that’s it! Our 4-day Garden Bloggers gathering was over, time to take the Ferry back across Puget Sound and say our good-byes. I want to leave you with photos of these sweet little bouquets in the restroom on the Ferry.

I’m pretty sure the Washington State Ferry system doesn’t have a budget for cut flowers in the restroom. Who did this? An employee sharing the beauty of her garden (I say “her” simply because they were in the woman’s’ restroom), a daily ferry commuter wanting to brighten up the mornings of her fellow commuters?

I loved them and thought they were the perfect touch to end a long weekend spent with fellow plant lovers.
How awesome...that place looks great! A studded choker, indeed ;-) I've truly never heard of Sonchus before...but it looks fabulous! It really reminds me of something, but I just cannot put my finger on it. I really want some of those metal planters!
ReplyDeleteThat nursery's use of plant massing with clever, subtly-placed artwork, is divine.
ReplyDeleteNot dangerous-looking enough - hmmm, it's those we least suspect!
Must. Have. Plow discs.
Looks like many of us will now be lurking on Craig's List hoping for plough discs. The Sonchus is responding nicely to your tender, loving care...what a beauty!
ReplyDeleteI think your silvery foliaged plant that you did not buy, but should have is Ajania pacifica, which until recently was known as Chrysanthemum pacificum. It grows very easily here and is the last perennial of the year to bloom. The flowers are little gold buttons, but the foliage looks good from April to December.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post about Dragonfly! I really enjoyed our visit there on the last day of the Fling. Great picture of Heidi too, she is just so awesome. I'm glad your plants are doing well.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you should start growing your fingernails really looooooong. And spike your hair.
Wow! This nursery is stunning, I don't know that I would have wanted to leave. Especially liking the succulent swag!
ReplyDeleteGode billeder.
ReplyDeleteTak for rundvisningen.
Dragonfly Farms is absolutely one of my favorite nurseries in the region. I had as much fun talking to Heidi and her assistants as I did looking at plants. The back of the SUV was stuffed full of plants when I left, including a few rarities I'd been searching for. I'm happy that you and other bloggers got to see it for yourselves. It truly is a gem!
ReplyDeletescott, maybe it reminds you of a dandelion? I've also seen it called "Tree Dandelion" and the flowers really look like dandelions!
ReplyDeleteDD, if you're ever in the area I think you would really enjoy a visit.
sandy, good luck!
ricki, uhm...hadn't thought of craigslist!
Les, yes! And I think that's why I didn't buy it as I've never been a fan of the mum.
Alison, spiked hair! Of course...although the nails could get in the way of gardening!
Mandy, yep...totally awesome!
Landbohaven, takk!
Jeff, I'm jealous and totally agree that it (and Heidi) is a gem. I can't wait to go back.
Thanks for a very interesting post, and now I will have to get way up north to get my hands on some of those unseen locally Schefflera species that have been all the rage over in the UK for the past 10 years or so. The plough discs are a great revelation also, thanks!, and they are such perfect proportions for succulent/bromeliad dish gardens. I also enjoyed seeing your post on former SF Bay Arrangements Sean Hogan's garden, an outlier of the East Bay style garden IMO. If you like the Sonchus(a bit of a dandelion on steroids in my view), you should check out some other Canary Island/Madeiran endemics such as Musschia wollastonii and Melanoselinum decipiens(which is fully winter hardy in the maritime influenced PNW). Both available on line thru my good friend Annie Hayes' Annie's Annuals Nursery. Thanks again for the info on Dragonfly Nursery!